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Project and Programme Management
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Project Manager for Not-For-Profit Organisation

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Published On
April 12, 2024

Our Client, The Y Ballarat, has been operating for over 150 years as a organisation that supports young people and the communities they live in. There has been a long association with recreation and camps, but also education and sport programs. For the last 20 years, Y Ballarat has developed a reputation for delivering quality early childhood education in regional communities.

Y Ballarat received some material grants from the Commonwealth Government to support Community and Sustainability initiatives. The grants applied to specific Y Ballarat sites and programs spanning 3 years, and there were specific rules around how the grants could be spent. They had done work internally to develop ideas and initiatives for how to spend these grants, however, they needed a Consultant to structure the work completed to date and to provide clarity and oversight over the grants and implementation of initiatives.

Our Client, The Y Ballarat, has been operating for over 150 years as a organisation that supports young people and the communities they live in. There has been a long association with recreation and camps, but also education and sport programs. For the last 20 years, Y Ballarat has developed a reputation for delivering quality early childhood education in regional communities.

Y Ballarat received some material grants from the Commonwealth Government to support Community and Sustainability initiatives. The grants applied to specific Y Ballarat sites and programs spanning 3 years, and there were specific rules around how the grants could be spent. They had done work internally to develop ideas and initiatives for how to spend these grants, however, they needed a Consultant to structure the work completed to date and to provide clarity and oversight over the grants and implementation of initiatives.


Expert360 were able to provide an Expert, Chelsea, who was a Management Consultant from a top-tier firm. She had extensive experience in Project Management and had led and managed large and complex programs across various industries including both Education and Government sectors. On top of this, the mission, beliefs, and values of Y Ballarat aligned perfectly to Chelsea's personal values.

Chelsea worked with key stakeholders over a couple of sessions to understand what deliverables would be most helpful for The Y Ballarat, and tested ideas with them. This was incredibly useful for the team as it was challenging for them at the outset to describe exactly what they were looking for.

Chelsea developed a tool for The Y Ballarat to track initiatives and ideas, and developed a summary dashboard to show them how they were tracking against these grants, and where the variances were.

She also developed some project management tools including project plans, stakeholder analysis and engagement tools, and risk/issues tracking.


Our Expert was able to deliver outcomes that demonstrated the viability of early childhood services in remote areas based on current funding models.

At the end of the project, Chelsea handed over the deliverables and tools created to a newly recruited project officer. The Client provided feedback that the deliverables completed helped to give them more clarity on how they needed to proceed, and where the gaps were.

Chelsea consolidated recommendations for The Y Ballarat to consider, including how to assess and prioritise initiatives and measuring the impact of initiatives to ensure that the grant objectives had been met.

Chelsea was able to deliver what we were needing, even though we weren't too sure exactly what that would look like. She was professional, courteous, and supportive of our work. We would love to work with Chelsea again on future projects.
Vicki Dobson, Executive Manager Children's Services at The Y Ballarat
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