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What is Change Management?

People quite often ask what is change management? Change management is how you approach dealing with transition or transformation of organisations. This can involve their technologies, processes or goals.

Strategies are used to help people adapt to the change and to also control the change. Procedures are included in the strategic plan to align with the change requests. Mechanisms are also used to follow up on the changes and respond to the requests.

Change management is what guides how companies prepare, equip and support people to successfully adopt the change in order to drive business success. Providing employees with structured approaches for supporting individuals through changes is very important.

All changes will be different for each organisation due to the people and the organisation itself. There are three important parts of any change in a company:

Organisational Change Management

A project team will be used to manage changes on a one on one basis. Change Management provides companies with step by step actions to take projects to the level needed to support the individuals impacted by those projects and changes. The change will happen on an individual level but on team project managing change one on one doesn't work.

Organisational change involves sectioning off the projects and people attached to each project and what those changes will be. Then create a plan that is customised for each project and group of people involved. This will include what training needs to be made and what those people need to be aware of prior and also after the change has been made.

Organisational change comes hand and hand with project management. Project management ensures your project’s solution is designed, developed and delivered, while change management ensures your project’s solution is effectively embraced, adopted and used.

Enterprise Change Management Capability

Enterprise change management is an organisational core competency that provides competitive differentiation and the ability to effectively adapt to the ever-changing world. An enterprise change management capability means effective change management is embedded into your organisation.

This is through roles, structures, processes, projects and leadership competencies. Change management processes are applied to initiatives. Leaders have the skills to guide their teams through the changes and this leads employees to know what to ask for in order to be successful.

In conclusion enterprise change management capability allows individuals to embrace change more quickly and effectively. A company can respond quickly to market changes, embrace strategic initiatives, and adopt new technology. As a result of responding quickly to market, there is less productivity impact. The following needs a strategic approach to embed change management across an organisation.

Individual Change Management

Individual change is the understanding of an individuals experience throughout the change. It is understanding what this person needs in order for the change to go well. It involves knowing what messages to tell people and at what times. You also need to factor in that you need to coach people and help them develop the new skills that are involved in the change.

Individual change management is based on psychology and neuroscience. It applies actionable frameworks to individual change. In conclusion to answer what is change management really depends on the organisation and it's stricture to determine what changes need to be managed and in what ways.

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