Article Snapshot
On Monday, we explained where Expert360 fits in the 'Open Talent Ecosystem' using graphs and charts. This infographic outlines where we sit in relation to consulting firms, recruitment agencies and low-skilled talent platforms in the broader ecosystem. Hopefully, this infographic will clarify the work that these companies do in relation to each other. Of course, this infographic does not delve into the complexities of why you should choose Expert360 for your talent solutions.
This infographic attempts to explain the intersection between low-skilled talent platforms, consulting firms, recruitment agencies and Expert360. As you can see, Expert360 specialises in short term work that is short-term and can be strategic and/or tactical depending on a client's needs. Consulting firms specialise in high-level strategy, recruitment firms in contracts and full-time recruitment and low-skilled talent platforms specialise in low-skilled, tactical grunt-work. While there is no doubt that there is some crossover, we all fit reasonably well together in a tight knit talent acquisition ecosystem. For more information: see our earlier post.
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