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We now live in a time when data is currency and personalised, customer-centric experience is king.
The current business landscape is dominated by success stories of a few companies that have grown at speeds previously thought impossible. From Uber to Amazon to Alibaba to Air BnB to Netflix we have seen every industry disrupted in an incredibly short space of time.
What connects these hyper companies and differentiates them from the incumbents they are taking on? It is the innovative use of data at the heart of their operations and in everything that they do.
Whilst other businesses are beginning to unlock the power of data to supercharge their organisation these efforts are usually confined to small groups of specialists rather than being spread throughout the entire business.
Expert360 teamed up with Decoded for this unique event covering the 'democratisation of data'. This event saw Chris Monk (E360 Consultant & Head of APAC, Decoded) talk through what is meant by ‘data’, the value that data can add and the importance of democratising data in your organisation and how to kickstart this cultural shift. The talk included several examples of companies Decoded have worked with and industry case studies of businesses that are doing this well and reaping the rewards.
‘Data is gold dust – learning how to use it, protect it, manage it and monetise it is every business's responsibility. And Decoded is enabling us to do just that.’
- Executive Director, UBS.
Missed out on this event? you can still read up about these data trends. Download Decoded's whitepaper on democratising data below.
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