One of NZ's largest banks required a major data migration and middleware upgrade.
The transformation included IBM products WebSphere Process and Application Server, WorkFlow Manager, Message Queue, and DB2. There were also non-IBM products including 2-Factor Authentication for online channels, Oracle Databases, File Transfers, and Bastian servers.
One of NZ's largest banks required a major data migration and middleware upgrade.
The transformation included IBM products WebSphere Process and Application Server, WorkFlow Manager, Message Queue, and DB2. There were also non-IBM products including 2-Factor Authentication for online channels, Oracle Databases, File Transfers, and Bastian servers.
Expert360 was engaged to lead the transformation with a goal of zero unplanned downtime (99.99% uptime) across the middleware platform.
The program upgraded and migrated all the bank’s transaction middleware applications, databases, and services from a large, monolithic mainframe hardware technology to a fully resilient commodity hardware solution.
With the upgrade and migration the Expert360 team ensured a fully resilient application middleware and fully automated platform build were completed. They also managed fully automated testing and in doing so, reduced this to four or five days, down from 6-months.
This major transformation was completed with zero unplanned downtime. Within the first two years following the transformation, the resource and efficiency savings were over $100k.
The team worked with the business to deliver a major development and built a robust system to support one of New Zealand’s largest bank’s well into the future.
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