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Portfolio Management Experts

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With Expert360, we’ve been able to access individuals and high-performing teams, in a matter of hours, not months.

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Chief People Officer, Afterpay

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In a high growth environment, with incredible challenges and demands, it’s great to have Expert360 to lean on, which allows our team to keep focused on core business. From the first time we reached out to Expert360, we knew we had found a permanent solution for our short term talent needs.

Karn Ghosh
Founder & CEO, Kinela

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Expert360 allowed us to connect with Experts directly within hours and have them working on projects within a few days. Our Expert hit the ground running, worked flexibly to meet our needs and became part of our team.

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CSO, Superloop

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Expert360 is a one-stop shop to provide our clients with the quality advice and resources that they and we need to deliver top quality 

Andrew Hone
Managing Director, Zenith Strategy Associates

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Managing Director, GAS

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Engaging the Expert360 network helped us transform a good but challenging investment opportunity into a great one by delivering to us a true sector expert.

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Expert360 delivered high-quality consultants in an efficient and timely manner to enable us to engage top talent fast. I would not hesitate in recommending Expert360 for future strategic projects across our business.

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Executive GM - Wholesale Products, NBN
Portfolio Management Experts
Understanding the role of a 
Portfolio Management Expert

What is Portfolio Management?

At its core, portfolio management is about selecting and overseeing a group of investments that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a client, company, or institution. But, it goes beyond just picking stocks and bonds. Portfolio management is a holistic approach to understanding the balance between risk and return, and how to best allocate resources to achieve specified goals.

At Expert360, we understand the need for effective and efficient portfolio management to drive your organisation forward. We offer an unrivalled talent pool of Portfolio Management Experts, armed with the knowledge and experience to navigate your business landscape with precision and Expertise.

Why is Portfolio Management Vital for Your Organisation?

Portfolio management is the art of making strategic decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk against performance.

Portfolio management is crucial in determining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the choice of debt versus equity, domestic versus international, growth versus safety, and other trade-offs encountered in the attempt to maximise return at a given risk.

Benefits of Portfolio Management

Strategic Alignment

Portfolio management plays a pivotal role in the strategic alignment of a company's goals and objectives. By meticulously aligning projects and investments with overarching business objectives, portfolio management services ensure that every penny and effort are channelled into initiatives that promise the most substantial value. It's not merely about selecting projects, but ensuring they resonate with the company's vision and mission.

Resource Optimisation

Portfolio management guides businesses in allocating their resources - whether capital, human talent, or time - in the most efficient manner possible. The objective? To ensure that projects promising the highest return on investment are prioritised, leaving no room for wasted effort or expenditure.

Risk Management

With their profound knowledge and understanding of market dynamics, expert portfolio managers can proficiently identify potential risks lurking on the horizon. But their job doesn't end there. They assess these risks, develop strategies to mitigate them and ensure that your investments remain shielded from unexpected setbacks, offering you peace of mind.

IT Portfolio Management

IT portfolio management focuses on evaluating and managing a company's IT resources, ensuring they align seamlessly with its strategic goals. In an age where technology investments can make or break a company, IT portfolio management ensures that every tech-related decision propels the business forward.

Enhanced Decision-making

Knowledge is power, especially when it paints a clear picture of all ongoing projects and investments. Portfolio management arms stakeholders with this knowledge, offering a bird's-eye view of where the company stands. With such clarity, making decisions becomes less of a gamble and more of a strategic move. Stakeholders are empowered to make informed choices, choices that promise to fuel business growth and solidify its position in the market.

Hire With Confidence

The New Way to Onboard Elite, Trusted 

Portfolio Management Experts

 in New Zealand to Your Team

When your goal is to secure the best talent - speed matters.
Clients choose Expert360 when the stakes are high.

Engage Talent in 24-48 Hours
Request a shortlist and get a curated list of 1-2 perfect candidates. Select, review, and get started.
View Expert Track Records
Get the full picture. View an Expert's previous work experience and client reviews.
Cristen Blakely
M&A Consultant
18 Projects
Jack Tan
Data Science Expert
34 Projects
Frictionless Hiring
Leave payments, billing, and admin to us, so you can focus on growth & building outstanding products - without administrative overhead.
Rigorously Vetted Talent
Only 1 in 10 make the cut. Hire with confidence from our network of 42,000+ Experts.
Howard Gu
Data Science Expert
Currently Available
James Hendry
Strategy Consultant
Currently Available
Stephanie Howe
Product Manager
Currently Available
Elijah Glover
Program Manager
Available in 4 days
The Very Best 
Portfolio Management Experts

How Does It Work?

Rapidly hire specialised, elite talent from our exclusive network of Experts in four simple steps.

Request Talent

Answer 7 short questions to help us understand your requirements.

Our Team Connects

We'll be in touch ASAP to comprehensively understand what kind of Expert you require.

Get a Shortlist in 24-48 Hours

Your project enters our network, and our team + AI shortlist the best talent for your project.

Hire an Expert

Interview with candidates (if required), then contract your chosen Expert.

Your Team
Your talent specialists for
Short-Term Projects
Get critical projects done faster with help from Experts.
Long-Term Contracts
Expand your team with a dedicated new team member.
Permanent Remote
Access the best talent New Zealand and the rest of the world has to offer.
A Hiring Guide
Guide to Hiring Expert
Portfolio Management Experts

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Get Started

Why Choose Expert360 for Portfolio Management?

At Expert360, our portfolio management Experts come with a proven track record of success. With diverse industry experience and a wealth of knowledge, they can offer unique insights and practical solutions tailored to your business.

‍A Network of Top Talent

Our expansive network is home to seasoned professionals with a deep understanding of the many facets of portfolio management. These individuals aren't just experts by name. Their vast experience spans various industries and sectors, offering you the dual advantage of expertise and a bespoke approach tailored specifically for your business requirements.

‍Tailored Portfolio Management Solutions

We understand that each business has unique needs and challenges. That’s why our experts invest time to understand the intricacies of your business, its goals, and challenges. Armed with this knowledge, our experts prepare solutions that are not just effective but align with your key strategic objectives.

Streamlined Hiring Process

Traditional hiring avenues can be cumbersome, often draining precious resources. At Expert360, we've revolutionised the engagement process. We've streamlined every facet, from searching to onboarding, ensuring you're not just getting the best portfolio management talent but doing so with unprecedented swiftness. Bypass the lengthy processes of traditional hiring and embrace the future with Expert360's efficient IT portfolio management solutions. Your business deserves nothing less.

Technology-driven Insights

In this digital age, traditional portfolio management has evolved, ushering in the era of IT portfolio management. Recognising this shift, our experts don't just rely on their industry wisdom; they leverage cutting-edge, tech-driven tools to bolster their strategies. This traditional knowledge and modern technology ensures you receive data-driven insights, placing you at the forefront of informed decision-making. 

End-to-End Solutions

Portfolio management isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy; it's a journey. And every journey requires meticulous planning and execution. At Expert360, we're with you every step of the way. From the initial stages of assessment and strategising to the final phases of implementation and vigilant monitoring, our professionals provide all-encompassing portfolio management services. We're not just about initiating strategies; we're about seeing them through, ensuring they remain in alignment with your overarching strategic objectives.

Find Expert Portfolio Management Services with Expert360

Our diverse network of professionals specialises in IT portfolio management, financial portfolio management services, and more, ensuring we have the right Expert for your unique needs.‍

We offer comprehensive portfolio management services, designed to support businesses in making strategic decisions and managing their investments effectively.

IT Portfolio Management

For businesses increasingly reliant on technology, IT portfolio management is crucial. It’s a discipline that’s integral to aligning your IT landscape with your business objectives, providing a high-level overview of your organisation’s IT projects and ensuring alignment with your business strategy.‍

Financial Portfolio Management

Our financial Portfolio Management Experts bring a wealth of experience in investment strategy, risk management, and financial planning. They’re equipped to manage and optimise your financial portfolios, considering the market trends and your financial goals, offering personalised and effective strategies.

We're here to help

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